The Latest in Flexible Outcome Assessment
VPG’s expertise in qualitative research, data analysis, and software development has all contributed to the development of a new, state-of-the-art eCOA platform. The new platform, flexCOA™, offers intuitive user interfaces for respondents as they relay their experiences, study personnel as they support the project, and end-users of the resulting data.
Case Study: MiCOAS
The Migraine Clinical Outcome Assessment System (MiCOAS) project, started in 2019, will develop a standardized core set of endpoints and related clinical outcome assessments (COAs) for use across migraine clinical trials. The team of investigators, led by RJ Wirth, Ph.D., at Vector Psychometric Group and Richard Lipton M.D., at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, has conducted extensive patient-centered qualitative research to inform COA development. This work ensures the patient experience is captured and that endpoints address symptoms and experiences that are most important to people living with migraine. The MiCOAS project is launching a largescale data collection effort in 2023 using flexCOA™ to collect data from nearly 1000 people living with migraine. This data will be used by the MiCOAS team to better understand, refine, and support the use of measures developed in future migraine clinical trials. More information about MiCOAS can be found on the MiCOAS website.
For nearly two decades, VPG clients have benefited from our commitment to developing and improving qualitative, psychometric, and behavioral data tools and methods to support better, more confident decision-making. VPG takes the time to understand specific client needs and the broader context-of-use in which flexCOA™ can add value to their organization.
Clinical Trial Team
Clinical trial teams use eCOA systems as much as, if not more than, any other user. They need to, for example, monitor site compliance, view reports, and respond to queries. Our modern, user-friendly design makes completing tasks easy and obvious. This applies to both routine, everyday tasks as well as more infrequent ones. This level of functionality makes it more efficient to support and maintain ongoing projects.
VPG’s measurement and data experts have experience helping clients differentiate their products, provide stronger evidence of value to payers, and satisfy regulatory bodies’ desire for patient-centered evidence. Using modern approaches to measurement and validity, including adaptive testing technologies, VPG provides empirically-focused expertise covering the full scope of COA use in clinical trials.